(5 M Euros)

In and with all events and media of the Fundacion Liedtke

5 M Euros
Period of validity:
5 Years

Logo 1

The sponsor receives the right to use the term "sponsor" in his public relations work.:

Sponsor of Codigo Universo

and the art exhibition and the seminars with the same name in his advertising.

Logo 2

The sponsor receives the right to use the term "sponsor" in his public relations work:

the art open exposition

Queen Sofia of Spain

Patron of Código Universo worldart exposition "art open" 1999

Logo 2





  • Image Series Epigenetics of 1986-88
  • Innovation:
  • Genetic change through insights and visions
  • Title: White genes, free
  • Canvas, video tape, acrylic varnish, 1988


The Theory of Everything

Código Universo

Liedtke Museo Port d'Andratx

Fundación Museo Liedtke • Port d'Andratx • La Mola • Calle Olivera N° 35 • 07157 Mallorca

the art open exposition

Königin Sofia von Spanien

Schirmherrin der Código Universo worldart exposition art open 1999

Logo 2

The Theory of Everything

Código Universo

Liedtke Museo Port d'Andratx

Museo Liedtke Fundación • Port d'Andratx • La Mola • Calle Olivera N° 35 • 07157 Mallorca

  • Image Series Epigenetics of 1986-88
  • Innovation:
  • Genetic change through insights and visions
  • Title: White genes, free
  • Canvas, video tape, acrylic varnish, 1988

i = E = MC2

The Theory of Everything

and the art exhibition and the seminars with the same name in his advertising.

The Sponsor, as a promoter of new innovation techniques with a sponsorship package, also receives the right to use the title of Official Sponsor of the Liedtke Museum and the Codigo Universo logo of the Codigo Universo Art Exhibition for 5 years and to participate in the scientific Codigo Universo seminars as well as the art and cultural events in the VIP area.

Social Networks

The sponsor can refer to the sponsoring of the Codigo Universo der art open and Codigo Universo worldart Exposition in all social networks such as Twitter, Google, MySpace, Facebook, YouTube etc. with photos, films and texts of his media information.

A new ethical world


Seminars, Events

The sponsor receives the right to include in his public relations work the title of sponsor of the Codigo Universo and the art exhibition and seminars as well as the Codigo Universo events in his advertising. The sponsor, as sponsor of new innovation techniques, also receives with the sponsor package the right of his public relations work to bear the title Official Sponsor of the Liedtke Museum and the Codigo Universo logo of the art open-Codigo Universo art exhibitions for 2 years.

A new ethical world


Art exhibitions: Public Relations with Sponsor Logo

seminario web

Talk shows and press conferences

The sponsor receives the right to display his logo on the sponsor's wall in the specified size at all press conferences and talk shows with recording for the media, Codigo Universo art exhibitions, seminars and events at the Liedtke Museum in Port d'Andratx.

His logo can be found on the website www.liedtke-museum.com in the list of sponsors.






Google logoOK


A new ethical world








logo insytagram 

One page of the book "Art puzzle solved"

The sponsor receives the non-time-limited right in the book "art mystery solved" by Dieter Walter Liedtke a page 4C in consultation with the Fundacion Liedtke up to a e-book - PDF or print total edition, in the published (ES, EN, DE) languages, out of a total of 10,000 books and to point out its innovations.

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Outdoor advertising

The sponsor receives the right to use his trucks or cars with the regional and supra-regional book cover information The principle of creation and the text We transport innovations in the given size for 2 years. The sponsor also has the right to advertise for Codigo Universo events, seminars and art exhibitions on all posters during the contract period of the billposting and to affix his logo in the specified size to the posters..

camion1 cocheok  camion2 


The sponsor receives the right to design an advertising page in the book: Information-The principle of creation in consultation with the Fundacion Liedtke, up to an electronic, PDF or print edition in a total circulation, in the languages EN, DE, ES of a total of 20,000 books with its innovations.

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The Film: Cain's Reversal

Redesigning the world through research results

The sponsor is named at the beginning of the film and in the credits.


Book double page in ES, EN, DE

The sponsor receives the right to design a double page in the book "Information - The Basis of the Universe" in consultation with the Fundacion Liedtke up to an electronic, PDF or print edition in a total circulation, in all published languages, of 20,000 books.



Book double page in ES, EN, DE

The sponsor receives the right to design a double page in the book "The new Da Vinci" in agreement with the Fundacion Liedtke up to an electronic, PDF or print edition in a total circulation of 20,000 books in all published languages.



The sponsor receives the right to ask a scientific expert or a Nobel Prize winner about a topic from the book "Cain's Reversal - The Ethical Capitalism - Globalpeace" which is part of a talk show recorded in the Museum Liedtke and shown on YouTube and other internet media. The recording and broadcasting of the talk show in the Internet media must take place within the booking of the sponsorship package.



Social Networks II

In all Código Universo social networks such as Twitter, Google, MySpace, Facebook, YouTube, etc., the sponsor may refer to the sponsorship of the Código Universo open art exhibition and the Código Universo world art exhibition, the aimeim social network and Globalpeace with photos, films and texts, with prior approval and acceptance of media information by the Liedtke Foundation.






Google logoOK


A new ethical world








logo insytagram 

Encyclopedia with the innovations of art and the sponsor

The sponsor has the right to the art historical and international encyclopedia Art Formula (published in German, English, Spanish) planned total circulation 10,000 / 4C a double page of an innovation of the sponsor which proves the connection of the innovations of the sponsor with the innovations of an art-historically important work of a great artist. In the depiction and in relation to the work of art depicted in the encyclopedia, the art and innovations of the sponsor's technology and services, the biocultural evolution and thus the epigenetic development of the DNA of innovations of art as well as of technology and science, are to contribute equally to the development of human consciousness. To preserve the unity of the encyclopedia provides the information and photos of the innovations of the sponsor's sponsor.

The design of the double page will be done by the Liedtke Foundation with the collaboration of the sponsor.


The catalog of innovations and evolution in art

The sponsor has the right to design one page of the art historical and international art open art catalogue with the art formula (published in German, English, Spanish) planned total circulation 10.000 / 4C and represent the evolution of his company.

The design of the double page will be done by the Liedtke Foundation with the collaboration of the sponsor.



Exhibition catalogue on the links between innovations in art, philosophy and the natural sciences

The sponsor has the right in the art historical and scientific catalogue (published in German, English, Spanish) planned total circulation 10.000 / 4C to design a page and to present his philosophy on the evolution and future of mankind.

The design of the double page will be done by the Liedtke Foundation with the collaboration of the sponsor.


Ethics Sponsoring and Advertising with Media Contact Guarantee

  • Minimum media contacts and image advertising 500 million contacts (including multiple contacts)
  • Guaranteed contact payment within 5 years. If the 500 million contact options are not reached, the contract period will be extended until the 500 million contact options are reached
  • TDKP = 10 euros / contact = 1 cent

Become a sponsor

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